The Top Ten Things I Learned in High School

It’s common knowledge around Bethany that seniors know everything— and I’m not talking about Bod.  After going through all those years of high school, we’ve learned everything there is to know.  Graciously, we at Sightline want to share some of our secrets with the wider school.  Here are the top ten things I’ve learned these past four years:


10.  a^2 + b^2 = c^2









9.  “i” before “e” except after “c”









8.  In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.










7.  Wilhelm Wundt is the father of Psychology.  (Not Sigmund Freud.  He sucks.)

your mom










6.  Bod taught all of my classmates’ parents and grandparents how to drive.








5.  All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.










4.  “Por” and “para” are not interchangeable.  (But don’t ask me which one is which.)







3.  The Internet is destroying our brains faster than alcohol, drugs, the word “like,” and Miley Cyrus combined.










2.  Constantine brought Christianity to Rome.









1.  Somos importantes.







There you have it!  Arm yourselves with this knowledge, kiddos.  You’re gonna need it.
~Rachel A. Schrock