What is it About Fish Fry?

Two weeks ago, the Juniors hosted the biannual Jonah Fish Fry. Fish Fry is loved and loathed in equal parts by the majority of the students body. The heads of the hosting class spend months meticulously planning out the fry, down to the smallest detail and their hard work really shows on the evening of the fry. A lot of labor goes into this single four hour event each semester, but what is it about Fish Fry that makes it such a worthwhile event?

As most people probably know, Fish Fry helps to fund the hosting class’s senior trip and other various expenses throughout the year such as prom. Also, by providing a way for the hosting class to raise all the money for their senior trip by themselves, Bethany doesn’t need to spend extra on the class later on and money can go to a more useful place than a trip to Chicago. Another great aspect of Fish Fry is the service experience. Service to others is an integral part of Bethany and through the Fry, students serve both their community and each other. There is also great inter-grade bonding that is promoted by the Fry. Some of the best conversations happen during the breading shifts, when the upper and underclassmen put aside the differences in grade level and bond over how much they despise their current breading job.

So even though you’re exhausted after all of the cleanup and end up smelling the lingering fried fish scent for a week afterwards, the Fish Fry is actually worth all the grease, sweat, and tears. It helps extend Bethany’s concept of providing service to others and it is a great way for the Juniors and Seniors to finance their class trip. Plus, getting leftover pie for your dessert in the cafeteria a few days after the Fry is always a great perk!