Hans Miller Biography

Most people know me by Hans, however, my real name is Johan Andrew Nofziger Miller. I was born in Boulder, Colorado but my family lived in Fort Collins. I am the youngest of two other boys At the age five my family moved here to Goshen, Indiana where we met the Amstutz family. Jesse and I grew up together in the same elementary school, middle school, and high school.

Most of the memories I have are from Goshen, but I still consider myself a die hard Broncos fan even after the horrific 2013 Super Bowl. My favorite sport to watch is football but I would like to avoid brain damage for the future so I play tennis instead. I started playing tennis in 7th grade and as soon as I got to high school the tennis team became my second family. Matt Miller emphasizes the importance of keeping the “bro-ho” or brotherhood alive. There has not been a single tennis practice that I did not want to go to. I especially appreciate the frequent devotions that Matt incorporates into how we play tennis. An example is that “every breath in is gratitude and every breath out is fear.” At 15 I was baptized at Waterford Mennonite Church, where I am currently attending.

I have also been involved in several musicals and plays including To Kill a Mockingbird, Oklahoma, Lost in Yonkers, and Just So. Hopefully I will be able to participate in A Christmas Carol and Radium Girls this year.

Ever since freshman year I have been excited for my senior year. Many people keep telling me that this year goes the fastest, so as a goal for myself I want to take my time and appreciate the good things in my life. Throughout high school, my two favorite subjects have been health and chemistry. And yes, before high school it was recess. As true to all of the Miller boys, we excel in sciences and math and are mediocre in English.

For now, I have narrowed my college options down to EMU and Goshen College, majoring in Physical Therapy. That is the plan but who knows if it will last. I’ll take one day at a time and try to stay out of prison because the worst part about prison is obviously the dementors.

~ Hans