Bromance to Romance

With a baby girl on the way, Josh Weaver has many interesting things to say about his daughter’s future love life. As many know, Josh and Craig Mast have had a bromance since their college days. Excitingly enough, this bromance is expected to morph into a romance seeing that Craig’s son Benjamin is now one month old and the Weavlet is due on November 18.


When asked how long until their children start dating, Josh and Craig gave very contrasting answers. Josh eagerly explained that the relationship would begin with “casual flirting” in elementary school and “throwing rocks at each other during recess.” Craig responded sternly, “I have a pretty firm stance that one should not date before one can drive.”


Neither father was terribly concerned about the specifics of the children’s wedding, but they once again gave differing responses. Josh was imaginative about the theme of the Weavlet’s wedding, concluding that it would be “futuristic or post-apocalyptic” with appropriate attire such as “blood stained denim and plaid.” Craig showed loyalty to his favorite NFL team by choosing “brown and orange” for the color scheme of Benjamin’s wedding.


Josh and Craig were able to agree on one aspect of the Weavlet and Benjamin’s wedding. Josh kindly granted me permission to act as bridesmaid for the Weavlet because, “our sense of gender identities will have shifted, so a male bridesmaid is plausible.” Craig was also agreeable for me to be Benjamin’s best man, but under one condition, “if you keep your pony tail.”

~Jesse Amstutz