From the Desk of: Santa Claus


Warning: May have to be read out loud to be understood.

Age: 5

Dear Santa,

I hav ben a vry good gurl this yer. I promis!!! If u saw tht time I hit my brothr thn I am sory. But he wuz meenr to me this yer. He shood not git anee prezants this yer. Pleez do not bring me cole this yer for Crismas!! I wood be very sad. I want a pony and babee dols and close fer the babee dols and I want a majic prinsess wand fer Crismas this yer. I want the pony to be pinc and sparkls. I want the babee dols to be kute and lotz of close fer them. The majic prinsess wand dos not hav to werk but I rly want one that werks. I luv u Santa. You are the BEST!!!!!!



Age: 10

Dear Santa,

Heeeyy Santa! You are like the best ever And like I know you’re not real or anything like that but like I was bored and like you know this is fun This year I’m hoping to get an iPhone 6+ I mean theyre like the best out there right now and like that would be awesome. Everyone would be like so jealous I also want some lip gloss and maybe some pretty like eye shadow I just hope I don’t get any clothes from like Walmart I wouldn’t be caught dead in those clothes Like everyone would make fun of me Anyway Hope you enjoy my letter Whoever you are that reads this..




Age 15

Dear Santa,

I am only writing because my baby cousin wanted me to write a letter to you with her. So while she’s writing hers I am writing mine. I hope she gets what she wants. She’s so cute. I just love her so much. I also hope that you don’t keep old letters. I was just thinking about the last time I wrote to you.. I was what 10? maybe 11?? Oh man that was a bad time in my life. I don’t even want to think about what that letter was like. Anyway my cousin is asking me what I asked for for Christmas and I haven’t done that yet. Hooowww about an iTunes gift card and some clothes? That sounds good. My cousin’s going to think i’m crazy. Anyway yeah, thanks!



Age: 18

Dear Santa,

So I’m really bored and don’t have anything else to do. SOOOO you’re getting another letter. Well I made it to college and my first year is going pretty well.. But exams are almost upon me… I really should be studying. Ugh. I don’t wanna. For Christmas I just want something to help me study for my finals. I know Christmas is after finals but like other finals. Or you could just you know, get me a photographic brain!! That would be much appreciated.. But if you can’t then I mean just bring me money so that I can pay for books and tuition or just the books I’ll need next year. That would be the best. OORRRR if you can’t do that, just bring me clothes. That would be cool too.



Age: 25

Dear Santa,

I know this is stupid but hey, I needed to take a cookie-baking break. I haven’t written a letter to you since what, my first year of college? That was a long time ago. Now that I’m graduated… I don’t have a steady job yet, but soon! I want to be a teacher but the only jobs I have are a few subbing jobs and it’s very inconsistent! Wow, sorry didn’t mean to ramble on about my life! So for Christmas this year, hmmm, well a job would be real nice, but if that won’t work then you know, maybe some nice clothes. I do need more sweaters! You know how it is, living on your own.. Wait no, you have Mrs. Claus. Anyway I’ve got to get back to cookies! Gotta make sure I have enough for you!!



Age: 35

Dear Santa,

Well I’m back! My daughter wanted me to write a letter to you while she writes hers! I have a son too now! I’m sure in a few years I’ll be back writing his first letter with him too! Anyway, this year do you just want to send me a coupon book for some peace and quiet? Mommy time maybe? That would be wonderful! Oh, and in case my daughter asks, a Barbie or two, (to give to her!) Because Barbies and dolls in general are all that makes sense to her of what someone would want. Anyway shes asking for help on spelling “You are the BEST!” Sound familiar?

