Movie Review: Doctor Strange

In the new Marvel movie, Doctor Strange, Benedict Cumberbatch plays a conceited suscreen-shot-2016-11-18-at-11-36-51-amrgeon who gets into an accident and loses basic motor functions in his hands. When physical therapy and reconstructive surgery do not help, he sets out on a journey to find a way to regain the use of his hands. 

During his quest to regain hand functionality he travels across the world to find “the Kamar-Taj” a secret society who are rumored to have miraculous healing powers. When he finds them, it takes him awhile to realize he is not the most important in his newly discovered world. He spends his time there training under the Ancient One and learning the ways of the mystic.

This movie is known for its screen-shot-2016-11-18-at-11-41-56-amincredible special effects. Benedict Cumberbatch pulls of his character almost flawlessly as he manipulates and bends time in order to win against Kaecilius, one of the movie’s antagonists.

While this movie does seem to follow the typical Marvel movie pattern and may have a slightly confusing plot at times, the actors all did amazing jobs portraying their characters and the special effects were spectacular. This movie is definitely worth a trip to the movie theatre to see.


~Carissa Woolace