4 Truths and a Lie Jacob

My name is Jacob Woolace, I am a freshman and this is my first year in Social Media. So far, I have enjoyed Social Media and I hope to learn how to make better videos.




I like being outside and doing anything from working to fishing. Some of my biggest hobbies are fishing, snowboarding, atv riding, and hunting. I like fishing the most and I go fishing as much as I can with my friends.





I also like card games. My favorite card game is Dutch Blitz. I really like to play it at family gatherings and at holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. One time my JMYF sponsor at church brought some giant Dutch Blitz cards and we played with those. It was so much fun I didn’t want to stop playing to eat.


In my life I have gone to 3 different schools including Bethany. Those schools are Concord East Side Elementary, Benton Elementary, and Bethany Christian. I am glad to have the experience of big schools like Concord and Benton but I definitely like Bethany the best. Bethany has given me so many more opportunities and I really appreciate that I’m here.


I like sports, and I play as many sports as I can. My favorite sport to play is tennis and my favorite to watch is football. I started playing tennis in sixth grade. I also like to play sports that most people don’t like, like frisbee and lacrosse.