First Snowy Encounter

I’m sitting at the front door. Waiting. Waiting some more. It’s SO bright out there, and I’ve been inside ALL day. C’mon, please? I just wanna go out for a little bit. Please? Wait, could it be? Is he gonna do it? Yes? Yes yes yes! The door opens and I bound out into the fresh air.


The sunshine hits my back with a familiar warmth. It’s so nice and pretty, but there’s something new. The ground is full of this white stuff. It’s soft, and there’s so much of it. I suddenly feel an urge to bite it. Whoa… it even tastes good!


I’m running around this new white stuff. I quite like it. I can jump in it and go all around it without hitting the ground. This is the best! Why isn’t it white outside every day? My human would love it out here, I just know it. Maybe he could come back out here with me later. I could show him how to jump into the pile and roll around.


I have an idea. What if I bring the white to my human, so he doesn’t even have to come out here! I’ll try my best. I grab some of the stuff in my mouth and walk over to the door. I drop it, but not much comes out but a lot of water. What? Where did it all go? I’ll try again. I do, and the same thing happens. Maybe the white stuff doesn’t want to go in the door. It seems to be okay out here. And if it likes to be out here, then so do I!


Well, I’ve found a problem with my new favorite white stuff. I’ve only been out here for a few minutes, but I’m starting to shake a lot. I don’t know why, but it’s getting harder to run around and jump into the piles of white. My face has the stuff all over it and I can’t shake it off. Even my paws are starting to hurt from it. Maybe it’s not the fun stuff that I thought it was.


*scratch* … *scratch*


Can I come back in now please? The white stuff was really nice until it started hurting me. I wanted to show it to you, but it didn’t want to see you, and now I don’t think it wants to see me either.


I’m back inside now, and I’m feeling a bit better. It looks so nice out there, but it doesn’t really feel like it. Maybe I’ll go back later. For now, I’m just going to rest…



Well I’m feeling so much better! I wanna go back out there. Was there a reason I didn’t want to play with the white stuff again? Hmm… nope, I don’t think so! All I remember is all the fun I had out there!


Hey, this time you should come with me. Yeah, you. C’mon, I’m not going to go until you do. Please? Yay! See, I told you it was great! You can run in it, and jump in it, and even eat it! I could stay out here and play forever!