Junie B. Jones Interviews

Our school is putting on a new musical, Junie B Jones, in March, and today I am interviewing a few people in the musical.

First I interviewed an actor in the musical, he said: “The musical has always has seemed longer than theatre, I think especially this year since we had a lot of snow days, so we have less time to work.” Also, when I asked about Junie B Jones he said: “I am very surprised we are doing this one for the musical because this seemed too juvenile for high school. It’s a kids’ book but now after our rehearsal, I think it’s a pretty cool musical and it’s set in a school so the audience won’t be bored. I am so excited about this musical. I hope the audience will like it.”

Then I interviewed one of the cast in the musical, she said: “Wow! It’s so amazing, each song and dance, this is about us! I don’t need to pretend to be an adult or some role that’s not who I am: a student” I asked, how does she feel after the seniors left and the new faces coming in, she said: “well, I miss the seniors but I’m also happy about that because I have more chances to try roles, and I think our new cast is doing very well! I like them.”

I had a short talk with our musical director Talashia. When I asked her why she decided to make this play, she said: “Last year was a heavy year in terms of subject matter of our shows. So this year, we were looking for lighter, funnier shows. We have younger actors this year, so it was a great year to do a show about children. It’s also really good for outreach to the community to occasionally perform a story that is loved and known to young children. Junie B. Jones fits all of that. It’s not just fun, though, it also has a big heart. It’s about a little girl with a big personality trying to learn how to be her best self. In the process, she learns about friendship and about the importance of self-expression (especially through writing).” Also, I asked her what is the most different thing to face in this show. “This show has to be tight and high-energy. We will be performing for a lot of children, and any time a transition takes too long or the actors aren’t totally present, we lose the children’s attention. So every single actor must know exactly what they’re doing at all times and do it well. We always strive for that, of course, but it is particularly important with a show like this one. The other big challenge is the choreography. It’s more challenging than anything we have done for a while, so these 24 students are learning a lot of dance.”

So this is the interview about Bethany Christian High School musical, I wish they have a good performance.