Earth Day

Every year Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd by millions of people around the world. This day is celebrated worldwide to show the importance of environmental protection as well as community service. Most people celebrate this day by planting trees in their local community or by cleaning up trash around the local areas. A way we can help clean up the earth is by recycling, using efficient or less energy, or just by being aware of your surroundings. Earth Day was first founded in 1970 by Gaylord Nelson, Denis Hayes, and Paul Ehrlich to spread awareness for environmental protection. This was first founded in the United States and eventually spread to countries across the world which led to millions playing an active role to protect the earth. There has been many accomplishments including improving efficient forms of energy and having CO2 emissions drop by 40% and many more. Every year, more and more people are participating in Earth Day and we have been seeing a positive change throughout the past several years. Helping keep the earth clean as well as being more aware of the environment and how it affects us can make a difference in the world.