New Staff: Christa Janzen

Christa Janzen is one of Bethany’s new hires this year, taking the art teaching position after Eric Kauffman resigned last year. Christa moved here from Nebraska, a state that she tells us is quite uninteresting. When students heard this in class they chuckled, collectively thinking, “can’t be less interesting than Indiana.” 

Christa’s art education started as a child, where her mother, who was also an art enthusiast, taught her the basics. As a kid, drawing came naturally and gave her lots of confidence. This helped her realize that there is beauty in the different ways that our brains are wired. Some are exceptional with the sciences, and others with the arts! Christa took art education classes in college and went on to teach high school art for four years, K-12 for two years, and Elementary art for one year. 

Christa’s favorite art medium is charcoal and graphite drawing but also enjoys painting with watercolor. One of her favorite projects is an impressive charcoal drawing of the Cologne Cathedral, displayed below. Christa’s least favorite art form to make is jewelry, but don’t be fooled, she loves to purchase and wear jewelry! When asked what message she would share with the world if given the chance, Christa answered that “working hard on something you care about (the arts, sports, music, baking, solving problems, etc) is a gift to yourself and others.” 

Welcome to Bethany Christa, we’re glad that you’re here!