New Year New You

Do you have a New Year’s resolution? Wanting to lose weight? Keep up on homework? Drink more water during the day? Get more sleep? Not get COVID?

A noble quest but how practical is that? According to a study from 2015, 25% of people who make resolutions give up by January 7. That sounds pretty disheartening but when framed in a positive light, it’s much less so. 46% of people uphold their resolutions for at least 6 months and 8% keep them for the full year. Though that might seem like a small percentage, it very well could be you! 

In terms of achieving a year-long goal, a New Year’s resolution could be a great kick start to making a positive change for the new year. But that’s not to say that you can’t make one now. Yes, it’s January 7 but heck, who’s counting?

Try creating a realistic goal, even if it seems simple, that you can begin working on today.