Senior Class Predictions

Reesha Bhagat: Reesha rides off into the sunset on horseback in search of a cure for cancer

Evan Brown: Evan goes to culinary school, opens his own bakery, and outperforms Gordon Ramsey in every way, shape, and form

Josh Cartwright: Josh begins a workout program for only $99.99/month but loses all of his clients after they discover his secret to success; roids

Rachel Condor: Rachel becomes self-employed as a makeup artist for Tik Tok celebrities

Matthew Dyck: Matthew starts a popular Youtube channel, with Patreon locked content of course, of impression tutorials

Jordana Farran: Jordana becomes a commercial icon, the face of more products than Billy Mays 

Juana Gonzalez: Juana studies at a prestigious medical school in the country and saves thousands of lives as a traveling ER doctor

Joel Graber: Joel moves to Los Angeles for game development and creates the next hit game

Mark Hanna: Mark codes a machine to denuclearize the U.S. and uses it as a bargaining tool with the government. The U.S. settles in a civil suit for three billion dollars

Ben Keyes: Ben becomes a lawyer, climbing the political ladder until he is appointed to be the President’s Attorney General

Reyna King: Reyna has a growth spurt and becomes a starter for U.S. Women’s soccer team

Evelyn Lapadat: By the age of 35 Evelyn is unable to leave her house because of the sheer number of dogs blocking her way

Jacob Leininger: Jacob retires from pastoring at 30 after a best-selling tell-all memoir about scandalous youth pastors letting kids drink Mountain Dew during youth retreats sets his congregation against him

Mackenzie Mast: Mackenzie follows in her dad’s footsteps and becomes an enthusiastic conductor and cellist for Broadway’s pit orchestra

Caleb Mast: Caleb is hired as a photographer for National Geography and travels the world in a van

Logan Nussbaum: Logan picks up Real Estate work in Florida and makes a killing

Jenna Oostland: Jenna is revealed to be a spy for the Netherland govt. and flees to Canada seeking asylum

Ivonne Ortiz: Ivonne goes into fashion design and becomes a major influence among the New York elite

Katie Sauder: Katie moves to Texas and embraces her inner southern roots

Josiah Schlabach: Josiah is elected to local government, then the House of Representatives, and makes a surprising friendship with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

Norah Schloneger: Norah wins a contest for best redhead, leaving Hope in a state of embarrassed devastation

Hope Hochstedler: Hope marries a rich actor/singer-songwriter and is on the move for the rest of her life trying to conceal her eternal grief 

Jacob Shank: Jacob roams the Himalayas on a quest for the perfect Mountain Dew drink. He is near giving up when he is enlightened by the teachings of Dr. Pepper who shows him the superior drink

Austin Shenk: Austin’s pottery is recognized nationwide by expert potters and he travels Europe to study and seek inspiration from the incredible art and architecture there

Helen Stoy: Helen forges an original Rembrandt painting and sells it at a live auction for $90,000

Ethan Torres: Ethan teaches history at the college level but then discovers the secret to becoming a ruthless dictator and does exactly that

Kat Columna: Kat forges Helen’s forged work and gets away with it

Beck Willems: Jerod legally changes his first name and eventually takes over his father’s job as principal at Bethany Christian High School

Zoe Zimmerman: Zoe becomes the first NFL coach to achieve 4 consecutive Superbowl wins