That’s Life! 2023

Like with all years, this one was full of ups and downs and lefts and rights… That’s Life! Here are the best submission from this year, thanks to all who contributed!

“Josh has a Glock?!”
– Eviella.

“Your instrument will tell you where it wants to be touched in that forte way.”
– Jessie Bennett.

“I’m not a conductor.”
– Brook Bennett (day one of orchestra).

“Children must be doing something right because they keep getting hired!” (on child labor)
– Josh.

“Good morning Gamers!”
– Renae Yoder

2:00 Tornado warning goes off
“Welp thats the Missiles coming from the Russians, you’ve got 5 minutes”
– Michael Y.

Kyle to James

“War crimes suck bro”
– Roman

“You have the brain fish of a memory”
– Marcos A.

“He’s gonna strip in the classroom”
– Breece (when after getting a shirt, Cameron started to take off his sweatshirt)

“I put this kid in the blender”
– Cameron (after badly beating somebody on an online chess game)

“He’s probably 10 and is crying himself to sleep on his korean pillow”
– Josh Weaver

“Black market cookies”
– Josh

“If you are going to do a pyramid scheme, be one of the first in. If you are in the second or third layer, you are going to make money. In the fourth layer, you won’t make money. In the fifth and sixth layers you are just dumb.”
– Josh (again)

“Cameron Just wrote F U in Egyptian hieroglyph(ic)s”
– Anon

“Now I’m disappointed, I wanted to be in a BeReal”
– Aaron Johnson

“Stop talking about the butt and the knees”
– Josh Weaver

“If you enjoy terrorism, this podcast is for you! Wait~”
Simon (while editing a podcast for Sightline)

“I love fork-knife”
– Michael Yeakey

“Aight, you BeRealing me? Dub.”
– Breece

“We love BS” (Bible Study)
– Benji Fleming

“Peter Piper and peter pan are related…”
“How are Peter Piper and Peter Pan related?’
“They are brothers”
“How does that work?”

“What am I doing with my life? I haven’t gouged anyone dying of a terminal disease.”
– Josh

“So it isn’t that the past was sexist it’s just that I was”
– Josh

“before we go straight to cannibalism…”
– Josh

“I need to quit smoking”
– Brent

“Drunk or sober, it’s your right to yell profanities at a squirrel”
– Josh

“Dolphin Gangs”
– Josh

2:00 tornado alarm goes off.
“Chinese weather balloon”
– Michael Y

“thanf you for being0 a the Bestteacher”
– Alex O (on whiteboard)

“This is just the beginning, BWAHAHAHA”
– Renae

“Have you ever thought about kicking a phone out of someone’s hand?”
– Josh

“you should’ve brought the goat”
– unknown

“Josh 2024: Stupid loopholes for everybody!”

“Josh 2024: Immigrants or taxes, choose one”

“Josh 2024 – We need longer lunches!”

“I’d kill the president”
– Brent

“OUR mom”
“She didn’t push you out, I’m sorry”

“I always assume when old ladies are using Canadian pennies, they are acting nefariously.”
– Anon

“The Bible is about as useless as a kitten video”
– Josh

“Our generic god, who art somewhere, hollowed might be your name”
– Josh

swallows mike, deep voice
– Aaron Johnson

“Mr. Mast has a big head…it has to be, he teaches math”
– From one 6th grader to another

“Wait…you have to pay to get into Carmel (Indiana)?”
– Unknown

“I am very lame”
– Josh

“let’s try not to bring on the apocalypse”
– Josh

“could I buy a tank?”
– Cameron

“Kids, don’t get locked in a trunk going to an unknown destination”
– Aaron Johnson

“Did you know your belly button can die?”
– Maya Vazquez

“Are you practicing chiropractic medicine without a license?”
– Michael Yeakey

Hold the stuff that your face is saying”
– Josh W

“Spoons are comforting and loving”
– E

Josh wants a ford transit
“it’s the van that has good candy”
– Josh

Gabe talking about anime
“Did you do your homework?”
“no my dog ate it or something”
continues to talk about anime unphased

“Yeakey has crazy old man strength.”
– Josh

Camero commercial
“You’ll impregnate women driving down the street in this car”
– Michael Y

“I’ve got three tide pods in my desk drawer…”
“for the challenge”
– Josh

“Carrot milk makes you see well and strong! That’s why I love carrots in my milk”
– Dahlia

“Are you guys okay with us making some noise? wink wink”
– Joryn

“Yeah I’m stereotyping, absolutely and totally”
– Michael Y

Econ class talking about Beauty and the Beast
“let’s not even talk about how Belle was attracted to a buffalo!”
– Josh Weaver

“You want your pretzels Dewey damp and moist.”
– Josh W.

“We need a Bucee’s around here.”
“It’s pronounced Bussy’s”

“Keegan is so cute he triggers the familial hormones.”
– Anon

“Everything I have said is true, and I stand by that.”
– Josh

“pickled feet, pickled ears”
– Josh

“What’s the ph balance of water?”
Gabriel Sanchez

“We used our big stick”
– Brent R

“Deal with it France…’merica”
– Michael Y.

“actually, i’m more like the anti-christ.”
– Erin F

“It’s super safe from predators, so it’s a great place to land your ducks”
– Josh

“this little piggy went to the market means it was shipped off to be pulled pork”
– Michael Y😨

“Let’s talk about kamikaze squirrels”
– Michael Y.

“Whatever Grandma wants, Grandma gets.”
– Josh Weaver

“Do I look like a hand kisser?”
– Kiersten Todd

“I’ll tell you a story because it’s Friday and I’m drunk on power”
– Josh

“I wouldn’t describe Keith as smart…”
– Josh

“‘Whose laughing now, Mr. Weaver’”
– Mr. Joeseph

“Ethan, before you graduate, I would love to squad up with you on fortnite!”
– Josh Weaver

“Wait, Tim Horton went to Goshen College?”
– Via

(talking to Josh Weaver)
“Josh, I would really like to say that I just appreciate how the school keeps finding ways to fall apart as the year is winding down”
– Unknown

“Sometimes you need to unleash on a 9th Grader”
– Josh W.

“Coccaine is illegal everywhere, Gabe, so stop trying to buy it from me!”
– Josh Weaver

“Whelp, I got yeeted off into infinity again.”
– Daphne

“If I’m a zombie in a zombie apocalypse, I’m eating your brain first Dylan!”
– Josh Weaver

“I’m getting some mascara side-eye”
– Aaron

In conclusion… Live a little, take life a little less seriously, and don’t do the math homework.

This is Sightline, signing off!