New Faculty Spotlight: Daniel Yoder

Daniel Yoder is the new Facilities Generalist at Bethany. In Daniel’s own words, “The Facilities Generalist is a new role at Bethany. I am learning that general is the right word for the position. I have cleaned toilets, fixed buses, hung projectors, repaired plumbing, laid carpet, and many other things.” 

Daniel started his experience at Bethany 19 years ago working in the theater department with his wife, Talashia. For the past 19 years until recently, Daniel has been working as a youth pastor, starting at First Mennonite Church in Middlebury for the first few years, and spending the rest of his pastoring years at College Mennonite. 

In the next year at Bethany, he wishes to complete all the projects on his “long overdue-to-do” list. We hope Daniel has the best time in his new work at Bethany Christian!

— Carter Yoder