Author: Olivia Renze

Bethany’s Schedule BTS

     Bethany has been very lucky in terms of life during COVID-19. We’ve been able to be in person for school for at least half the school week and even four days a week sometimes! But a lot of people don’t…

Henry the Eighth and his Six Wives (Part Two)

(This article is a continuation of an article that was posted a couple week ago)      The very day after Anne Boleyn’s execution, Henry got engaged to yet another wife; Jane Seymour. Jane was one of Anne’s ladies-in-waiting, so Henry didn’t…

Henry the Eighth and His Six Wives

     I’m sure we’re all, at least to some extent, aware of the infamous King Henry the Eighth. You’ve heard of him, right? If it’s not ringing a bell, here’s a hint; his wives were divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived.…

The Voting Process

THE VOTING PROCESSElectoral Vote vs Popular VoteElectoral votes:Under Article II of the Constitution, each state is allotted a number of electoral votes equal to its number of seats in Congress. Per State, each will appoint per law, electors which will…

The Cutest Animals (In My Opinion)

Things are tough right now, but so are bears. But do you know what else bears are? They’re adorable. I wanted to do another light-hearted article so I give to you; THE CUTEST ANIMALS (In My Opinion) LIONS They’re just…

It’s Soup Season!

It’s finally soup season! The autumn has always been one of my favorite times to eat soup, so in honor of this, here are some soup recipes I found online for you to try! There will be links to them…

Homeschool: Preparation for COVID-19

This article was written by Avery Rusel and published by Olivia Renze because of technical difficulties. Full credit to Avery. As many people who know me know, I was homeschooled before I came to Bethany in 6th grade. And although…

My Favorite Spots Near the Millrace

Here in Goshen, I find it a little hard to be fully immersed in nature. The trails are usually close enough to the streets that you can still hear cars, there are almost always other people on the trail near…

Oh the Things I Learned in Quarantine

Lesson One – History ≠ Friend Quarantine exposed some of my friends’ true colors. I’ve dropped a few friends since this past March and learned my first lesson; History with someone doesn’t equal a good friend. I realized I had…

Fake Coronavirus Cures

As more and more people die, people get more desperate for a cure. Some get so desperate that they fake a cure and publicize it. Whether their intentions are money or fame, they’re fooling thousands into thinking that by doing…