Category: Sightline

Senior Nights: Girls and Boys Soccer, Tennis

With fall sports seasons drawing to a close, boys and girls soccer and boys tennis senior night games have already been played, with volleyball and cross country contests coming in the next few weeks. Athletes in the graduating class of…

What You Need to Know About Student Loans

Student Loans How affordable is college really? The average cost of a state college comes to a total of $16,153 and the average cost of a private college comes to a total of  $36,036. The average household makes about $46,326…

Changes in the Kitchen

It’s clear that all teenagers love to eat. Bethany has been known for their delicious and healthy meals, so it was a surprise for many to see that the cafeteria has made some changes in the meals they provide. These…

New Faculty: Craig Mast

It is a year of firsts for our newest teacher, Craig Mast. Along with being Craig’s first year at Bethany, this will also be his first year in a private school setting, teaching Spanish, and being an assistant soccer coach. Prior…

New Assistant Principal: Tim Lehman

This year Bethany welcomed Tim Lehman back into the community not as middle school social studies teacher, but as Assistant Principal. Following Hank Willems’ resignation, Tim Lehman was named for the position. Tim has taught middle school social studies at…