Category: Tidbits

Marine Biology in the Florida Keys

The Marine Biology course offered each year is not only to Bethany and Goshen students, it is also offered to Northridge High School, Wawasee High School, and many more! The course offers a hands-on learning experience in the ocean environment.…

Brief: Wordle

Wordle: a social media sensation with almost 3 million players. It would be a surprise to find someone who hasn’t heard of this simple yet entertaining word game. Invented by Josh Wardle in October of 2021, Wordle was soon after…

The True Story of Anastasia Romanov

As I type this, I’m watching one of my all-time favorite movies; Anastasia. In my opinion, Anastasia is the best princess movie ever made, and it’s one that not a lot of people my age know about anymore. The soundtrack,…

Do ya feel lucky punk?

Hey y’all! At first, this was supposed to be an article about lucky numbers, but I found some other superstitions that are too good not to share. These are just from articles online so some of the information may be…

Senior Predictions: Class of 2017

  Ari Beachey Decides to make their gap year a gap decade and spends it hitchhiking around the world, protesting for the rights of people wherever they go. Jake Bedwell Sells all of his shoes for charity and becomes a…

Bethany Christian’s Rhythm

Music is all around us. Some would even say that music heals the soul. I did some research on what the students at Bethany Christian High School were listening to. Below you will find graphs based on students current favorite…