7 Short Stories

Sitting there on the counter was the most delicious smell that Chomps had ever smelled in his life. As he took another whiff he could not wait any longer to get his paws on whatever was making that smell. He jumped up and snatched whatever it was on the counter. It tasted like heaven to him, and as he took the last bite of it, his owner walked in, surveyed the situation, and then started scolding him.

Muck the Great Adventurer
They say the early bird gets the worm, but I’m going to be the first worm that ever gets a bird. I will get up so early that not even the birds will be up. Then I will set a trap for those dumb flying creatures, and I will capture one, and show the rest of their kind not to mess with me. Tomorrow will be the day of the big show, I am telling everyone I know about how fantastic tomorrow morning will be when my family gets up. (Written in the journal of Muck The Great Adventure, seconds before a mole burst into his home, and killed him.)

I was a very ambitious kid, who always talked about being a superhero, or a fireman, or an astronaut. I always wanted to save the world, which is why getting this job shocked everyone who knew me. Today I got a job working as a receptionist at the front desk of a museum; almost the polar opposite of being a firefighter. But what I didn’t tell my family is that once the museum closes every night, the museum comes to life. And no I’m not talking literally like in the movie “Night at the Museum.” What I mean is that once the museum is empty and there is not the constant sound of people in a hurry, I am free to use my imagination and the exhibits around me and create the world I would live in if I was a superhero. The people I would save if I was a firefighter, so really this is the best job I could have ever asked for.

The Voyage
Have you ever looked up into the night sky and thought, “Are aliens real? And if so would they be friendly or would they try and destroy the earth.” Well, have I got the answer for you. Last night when I was outside looking up at the stars, I was wondering that same thing. There was one star, in particular, I noticed that kept getting bigger and bigger. As I looked at it more closely I realized that it wasn’t a star, it was a spaceship. I was scared, but also fascinated. When the ship landed, the aliens stepped out and asked me if I would want to join them on their trip through the galaxy to find all the other life forms that lived on other planets. I am writing this as we land on the 6th planet we have found with life forms. This is the most amazing thing to ever happen to a human in the history of our lives on earth, and as a scientist, I will continue to document everything that I encounter.

The Forest
Legend tells of a magical forest in a land far off. It mentions the presence of fairies, goblins, elves, orcs, dwarves, and any other magical creatures your imagination can create. However, no one ever thinks this place exists, no one except for Milo, a kid from the plains of Quturito. Every full moon, when the sky is lit up by the ominous glow. Milo walks out of his village and into the forest that surrounds it. And every full moon at midnight, Milo sits down in a clearing far away from civilization and waits. Slowly, very slowly, as Milo sits there, the magical creatures show themselves to him one by one. And so this is what Milo thinks about whenever he feels down. He remembers his friends from that forest, and how much he loves to see them and learn the ways of their cultures and why they hide in only this forest.

Efansitabi always thought that his planet was the only one that had living creatures on it like him and the other animals that lived on it. However that all changed when a group of people from the galactic army, including his dad and brother, came back from a planet that they said had life on it. They said that they hadn’t looked into it at all, because they were unsure of how the local species would react to them, but they did say that the animals that were able to communicate on the planet, called it Earth. His dad and brother told him that it was 15 million light-years away from their home planet, Gisternaden. They said if contact could be made this would be an amazing accomplishment for them. Therefore letting them leave the army depending on how the interaction goes.

The Dinner Date
When Frank booked the table at “La Fiesta,” a restaurant downtown, he never thought that it would be so busy that they would have to wait 30 minutes before they were even given menus. He had booked the reservation tonight so that he and Emily could have a nice dinner and night out, but what he had forgotten was that it was valentine’s day. He didn’t have anything special planned because he had forgotten. When Frank told Emily that they were going out to this restaurant on Valentine’s day, she thought that he was going to do something big, like propose, but by the end of the night, she didn’t have a ring on her finger. She didn’t mind, but apparently Frank was not thinking about that.