Tag: Fiction

The Dreadful Milk Wars

Everything was different in the beginning. There was just one kind of milk, we, whole milk, were the rulers of the milk world, and there were no wars. One day, humans decided we weren’t good enough, they wanted something different,…

Valentines Vengeance

February 15, 2021Detective Julius Hanabel’s report The original disappearance of Jessica Greene sparked a lot of distress from local authorities and many others. Reports that came in last night, confirming what none of us wanted to hear; the annual Valentine’s…

The Wooden Toy

The first thing I remember was the dark. There was nothing, just darkness. I could feel the rest of my body, even though I couldn’t move it, it was like I was trapped in a wooden sarcophagus. I waited and…

The Malfunction

We were told that the machines could never break, but apparently, if they are not taken care of correctly they do end up breaking. It was about a week ago when the spaceship’s steering gave out initially, and since then…

7 Short Stories

ChompsSitting there on the counter was the most delicious smell that Chomps had ever smelled in his life. As he took another whiff he could not wait any longer to get his paws on whatever was making that smell. He…

The Ransom Note pt.2

When Johnny got back to his house, there was a car parked in his driveway. As he got closer he realized that it wasn’t any old car, it looked like a delivery truck from some company. There was no writing…

The Ransom Note pt. 1

The last thing Johnny expected to find on his porch one morning was a ransom note for his hair-dresser. The day started out pretty normal. He took a shower, got breakfast, brushed his teeth, and then was going to check…