How Spotify Premium Changed My Life: A True Story

The following is an unpaid testimony from a real customer:

For years, I jumped from one music platform to another. I trudged through the depths of Pandora, regular radio stations, and even for a period of time, YouTube playlists. I was never on the premium side of any of these platforms, I lived like a neanderthal, keeping my screen on while listening to my music on YouTube and if I dared close it, the music would stop. However, I’ve reached a major turning point in my life. I finally got Spotify Premium. 

I have come out of the darkness and now I see the light. I am able to download music and podcasts to listen to offline rather than listening to z94.3 where when they aren’t talking about music and famous birthdays, they’re talking about Tik Tok trends. Now, I can live without Marko in the morning plaguing my days. I no longer fear the skip button and have grown to use it any time that I deem a song unworthy of a full listen. My taste in music has become so much more refined now that I have more freedom to select what I do and don’t like. I now pray every day to the Spotify algorithm to put something life-changing into my discover weekly. 

My daily commute has become much more educational thanks to all of the podcasts that I am able to listen to. My mind has grown three times more wrinkly according to webMD because of all the knowledge that the Joe Rogan experience has brought me. I truly feel like I know him personally after all of the hours that I’ve spent with him and his many guests. I now can happily say that he has become one of my closest friends and is someone I want to strive to become.

The only downside of this major transition in my life is that I’m only on the free trial of premium so far. I haven’t gotten it yet, so why not take advantage of three free months? Sadly, other members of the community don’t see this the same way. When I say that I have Spotify premium, people call me a poser and a fraud. It is this lack of acceptance that initially turned me off from the group. But after these three months are up and I actually begin paying for a membership in this community (don’t tell anyone it’s through a student discount) that I will receive the full benefits. I will finally be invited to the secret meetings, the sacred rituals to open your mind through ad-free music, and hopefully one day the annual ice cream social.Â