Author: Sightline Staff

Volunteer Cooking Opportunity

Volunteer Cooking allows students to spend their morning study halls in the Facs room baking desserts with the elementary students. This is currently only an opportunity for students in Interpersonal Relationships to gain volunteer hours, and elementary students, but is…

Class of 2023’s Future Plans

With the school year at an end, the Bethany community is preparing final farewells for the class of 2023. Although it will be sad to see them go, these seniors are about to enter an exciting time in their lives.…

2022 Senior Class Advice

After the 2022 seniors were asked if they had any parting advice for the Bethany high schoolers after them, here is what they had to offer:  Dos Take nutrition if you want to relax for a bit Take Econ if…

How Spotify Premium Changed My Life: A True Story

The following is an unpaid testimony from a real customer: For years, I jumped from one music platform to another. I trudged through the depths of Pandora, regular radio stations, and even for a period of time, YouTube playlists. I…

Facebook’s Turn to Meta

Recently, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, revealed that there is an upcoming shift in the company. This shift involves bringing together Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, and other company subsidiaries and unifying them under the name Meta. According to Zuckerberg, “Meta’s focus…

Why are there so many pastas?

Has this ever happened to you? You’re walking through a grocery store and end up in the Italian food section. Right beside you is what seems to be an enormous wall, constructed entirely of blue boxes of pasta. All different…

Top 10 things you NEED to put in your college applications!!

Hey seniors, it’s about that time again! What time? College application time! Get your applications in early, and you might just get an early registration scholarship! What’s that? You’re having trouble with your applications? Well I can help out with…

What do Bethany students eat for breakfast?

School starts fairly early in the morning and most students lack the motivation to get up earlier than necessary. Consequently, breakfast can often be an easily overlooked part of a high-schooler’s diet. Breakfast is often referenced as the most important…

Michael Walker Interview

Recently, the Sightline Staff had the pleasure of interviewing a new staff member, Michael Walker. During the interview, we got to know him a little better on a professional level as well as personally. So through this article, we will…

Chauvin Trial Response

It is near-impossible as an American in the year 2021 to have not heard about the death of George Floyd. This event quickly became a catalyst for the Black Lives Matter Movement as an example of police brutality and/or excessive…