Author: Avery Rusel

7 Short Stories

ChompsSitting there on the counter was the most delicious smell that Chomps had ever smelled in his life. As he took another whiff he could not wait any longer to get his paws on whatever was making that smell. He…

The Ransom Note pt.2

When Johnny got back to his house, there was a car parked in his driveway. As he got closer he realized that it wasn’t any old car, it looked like a delivery truck from some company. There was no writing…

The Ransom Note pt. 1

The last thing Johnny expected to find on his porch one morning was a ransom note for his hair-dresser. The day started out pretty normal. He took a shower, got breakfast, brushed his teeth, and then was going to check…

Pancakes vs Waffles

This article will be addressing the age old question: Pancakes or Waffles? It will be looking at the history of both, and seeing what people think nowaday. The history of the pancake, scientists say, can date back 30,000 years to…