Author: Ian McHugh

Girl’s Basketball Senior Interviews and Season Wrap-up

With the Girls Basketball season coming to a close, we decided to interview the senior members of the team and get a perspective on the team’s culture, season, and overall dynamics. The seniors, Julia, Kolette, Jessa, and Kiersten, all emphasized…

Social Media’s Evolution

While the majority of people, including myself, get Twitter for free from the App Store, Elon Musk decided that he would instead purchase the app for $44 billion. This purchase overtook the internet within hours, with debates springing up on…

Spring Sports!

As the Spring season begins- rather tries to begin, then gets snowed or rained out, retries, gets stopped by tornadoes, tries again, and hits a wall of impatient and annoyed Midwesterners- the Spring sports season also begins. There are only…

Ukraine-Russia Update

As of March 12th, 2022, over two and a half million people have been displaced from their homes in Ukraine due to the Russian invasion, and over 15,000 people (as reported by the UN) have been killed. With the conflict…

Godspell Behind The Scenes!

When asked who the most important, favorite, or best person in a theatre production is, our first reaction is always to run through the cast list in our heads, or think of the main characters in the show, or name…

Sightline: Episode V- The Conjuring of Ian McHugh

Hello There! The name’s McHugh, Ian McHugh. Before you ask: yes, both of those statements were meant to be movie references. You may already know me from some of Sightline’s previous videos, including “The Late Night Show with Jacob &…