Category: Sightline

The Adventures Of Raven Girl And Strawberry Kid

“Hey, girl! Hey pretty face, why won’t you talk to me?” That’s the third time he’s spoken, jeering from the seat behind her, his breath hot and acrid on the back of her neck. Andy cringes. She swallows her replies,…


Hey y’all! So this month’s random topic is…Sealand!  The principality of Sealand has an area of about 5,940 square feet; not a lot of area for a country! Sealand isn’t recognized by the UN, due to the fact it isn’t…

J-Term Recap: All that Jazz

This year, many groups participated a variety of exciting and educational activities for J-Term. J-Term takes place the first two weeks after winter break. Students sign up for a particular class, some of which include long distance travel, and study…

Senior Trip Recap

For many students, Senior Trip is something they look forward to through all four years of high school and when it’s finally their turn to go, anticipation surrounds the trip and the weeks leading up to it. For this year’s…

4 Truths and 1 Lie

When I was around 9 years old, I went to my first fair where I was tall enough to ride rides. I was so excited about the thought of roller coasters that I didn’t even realize how big they were.…

4 Truths and a Lie Jacob

My name is Jacob Woolace, I am a freshman and this is my first year in Social Media. So far, I have enjoyed Social Media and I hope to learn how to make better videos.       I like…

4 Truths 1 Lie Nathan

Hello everyone! My name is Nathan Oostland. I’m a freshman and currently in the musical Honk! I am also on SGA and our guys tennis team. I enjoy playing ultimate frisbee and making short movies, which is why I’m in…

Christmas Noms

Christmas time is here! Time for presents and time off and food! Oh, and family I guess. The best part is the food, but don’t you get tired of having no new Christmas foods to try? Eggnog and fruitcake and…

Christmas Crafts

Over Christmas break, everyone can get a little bored if it’s too cold to go outside for long. To battle the boredom, here are some fun holiday crafts! Have fun!   Wreaths are a traditional decoration around Christmas time. Below…