The Heaven’s Gate Cult

“Whether Hale-Bopp has a ‘companion’ or not is irrelevant from our perspective. However, its arrival is joyously very significant to us at ‘Heaven’s Gate.’ The joy is that our Older Member in the Evolutionary Level Above Human (the ‘Kingdom of…

Bethany Choir Tour ’22

Over the first weekend of Spring Break, choir director Bradley Kauffman and his peppy entourage of 11 concert choir students traveled to Ohio and Pennsylvania for choir tour. Mennonite Schools Council (MSC) Choir Festival, the highly anticipated gathering for Mennonite…

Spring Sports!

As the Spring season begins- rather tries to begin, then gets snowed or rained out, retries, gets stopped by tornadoes, tries again, and hits a wall of impatient and annoyed Midwesterners- the Spring sports season also begins. There are only…